All posts by Fred Struck

Hello, My name is Fred Struck. I live in Sacramento California. I am a member of St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church where I am know as Reader Fred. I have been the Reader at St. George's since 1988. I am also a Past Grand Knight in the Knights of Columbus Sacramento Council 953.

Fraternal Year Ending — Star Council Award Goals


Fraternal Year Ending — Star Council Award Goals

Now is the time to be looking and taking stock of attaining your council’s coveted Star Council Award Goals. The June 30, 2012 deadline is coming very soon. I will help you in any way I can to meet those goals for the 2011-2012 Fraternal Year. I’m currently committed to helping on the insurance side, but I’ll be glad to help on the membership side as well.

If you know an eligible Catholic man who might be interested in joining the Order (and who among us doesn’t), he’s probably just waiting to be asked. I can help you either by approaching him myself, or by “coaching” you – transferring sales skills that you can use to recruit him and other prospects. As always, I’m at your service.

Let’s continue our momentum in attaining those goals and objectives that are so critical to the growth of your council : Recruitment, Insurance Members, and Council Activities.

With all of us working together – our fraternal leaders and our professional insurance force, we can help the Order’s continued growth and obtain the coveted Star Council Award !!!

Please contact me for any help I can offer you.

Brotherly yours,

Justin F. Tanjuaquio, F.I.C.F.
CA LIC.#; 0C46842
(916) 726-0981

Officers nominated by the committee for 2012-2013 Columbian year

The slate of officers that follows are nominated by the committee and will be voted on at the June Business Meeting.

Grand Knight, Ricardo Saldana
Deputy Grand Knight, Fred Struck
Chancellor, John Sheldon
Warden, Lewis Munoz
Recorder, Andy Thielen
Treasurer, Dale Edwards
Advocate, Richard Cuttng
Inside Guard, Robert Perez
Outside Guard, Darin Hunter
Trustees – 3 year, Matthew Lucien, 2 year, Joe Miceli, 1 year Bill James

Nominations may be accepted from the floor provided the nominee has agreed to serve if elected.

Thanks to All Who Helped on Our 5th Annual Yard Sale

Much thanks to my fellow knights whom helped this weekend for our 5th Annual yard sale: First and foremost Steve Mills. I could NOT do this without your help and many hours spent at the hall, THANK YOU! Next, David Carboni Your polish dogs were a BIG hit again this year and I REALLY appreciate all the support you have given to this cause, especially since Bonnie has been under the weather, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Next George Mills, Bill, Rudy Nagel and Darin Hunter (our newest Knight) thanks SO MUCH for not only putting in hours during the sale, but for helping with Friday night set-up too! Much thanks to my other Friday night set-up men of Bill and Frank. You two plus Darin and George stayed so late I could not have finished as early as I did, THANKS SO MUCH!!! Next to Al, thanks for bringing the piano. That extra $$ made for a lot less dismal weekend. John Sheldon, thanks SO MUCH with the Sunday night cleanup and thanks to you and your mom for the MANY donations!!! Also thanks to Alex Kachmar for helping to pack up the items not sold. I wish I could say it was a great sale for our charities money wise, but sales were WAY down, so maybe next year. THANKS SO MUCH GUYS!!!

Terrance Corcoran

Knight of the Month April 2012

April Knight of the MonthThis Knight is always visible helping out at all the council events. He is Past Grand Knight. He is a member of both the First Degree and the Second Degree Teams. He is currently our Worthy Council Treasurer. He is our Youth Director. As Youth Director he has just recently finished organizing the Free-throw basketball contest, despite the fact that he was hobbled quite a bit by a broken left foot . Also as Youth Director he has worked with Cristo Rey High School which included researching candidates for the Knights of Columbus Scholarships. As a member of the Forth Degree he serves in the Color Guard. He is also the Faithful Captain in the Forth Degree.

It is with great pride to announce Sir Knight Dale Edwards as Knight of the Month April 2012!

April Family of the Month

April Family of the MonthWe are very pleased and honored to announce that the family of Br. David Carboni, was elected as the Family of the Month for the April of 2012.

Dave and his wife Bonnie have just celebrated their 50th  wedding anniversary.

Br. Dave with the support of his wife Bonnie, have done great jobs at the Council’s Fundraisers for Charities. Also if not working at these fundraisers they, always attend them.

Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 953
wishing the Br. David Carboni family, MANY – MANY HAPPY YEARS!

Victims Rights Rally at the State Capitol

Victims Rights Rally at the State CapitolOn April 24, 2012, two Knights from our Council participated in the third annual Victims Rights Rally at the State Capitol. This event was part of California Crime Victims Rights Month. Pictured are Bill Jackson (a relatively new member) and Dale Edwards (PGK and current Treasurer). They were asked by Fr. Kiernan at the Cathedral to help out by handing out information about the Catholic churches program called Restorative Justice which serves to provide healing to crime victims. The event at the capitol was made quite poignantly by the placement of hundreds of large photos of murder victims. If you would like more information on this event, go to:

Dale Edwards