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Mexican Night Coming Up Fast

Are you ready for some delicious carnitas and homemade guacamole? Yes! Then please save the date Saturday, October 20 to attend the 2018 Mexican Night dinner.

Funds raised from this year’s dinner will once again be donated to Clara’s House. Council 953 is grateful for your past support of this mid-town primary health care clinic, its nurse practitioners, and the many volunteers who provide compassionate health services to the voiceless and vulnerable among us. Last year we were able to donate $2000 dollars thanks to your attendance at the 2017 Mexican Night.

Clara’s House is a nonprofit 501c3 organization funded solely by tax deductible donations and grants. The Knights appreciate how all the funds donated to Clara’s House are used to provide medical services. The volunteer staff is all unpaid allowing them to provide health care at no charge to their patients and provide basic lab tests for patients at no charge.

To find out more! Watch the YouTube video at:

See the October 20 Mexican Night flyer in this month’s newsletter. Call or email Greg Wolfe to make your
reservation. This event has sold out in the past.

Annual Memorial Mass

Council 953’s annual Memorial Mass will be held on Sunday, November 5 at St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Parish, 1620 Bell Street. The Divine Liturgy (Mass) will begin at 10:30 am, followed immediately by the traditional Byzantine Catholic memorial service in honor of our Brother Knights who fell asleep in the Lord during this past year: Eduardo L Maciel, Michael J Stomp and Alvin Miller. All Brother Knights and their families are encouraged to attend. Coffee and refreshments will follow in the parish hall.

Grand Knight’s Message, September 2017

Adam Struck, Grand KnightWorthy Brothers,

Whew! What a busy month it has been. As we pause to catch our collective breath,
let’s stop and look back on all that we have accomplished:

• We kicked off the Columbian Year with our first fundraising event, our annual Tri Tip dinner. As always, Al Piccardo and his sons outdid themselves and gave everyone an enjoyable evening.

• We organized and ran the zippy bun booth at the 86th annual St. Mary’s Parish festival, continuing a multiyear tradition of supporting the parish and serving up one of the festival’s most popular food items.

• We began what I hope will become a new tradition by running the bar at the St. George Parish BBQ. Despite the 108-degree temperature when the social hour began, it was a fun and ultimately successful event.

• We hosted what was almost certainly the only bilingual First Degree ceremony Council 953 has ever held. Six new Brother Knights joined our Council, and several Spanish-speaking Brothers joined a neighboring Council.

We could not have pulled off so many events in such a short period without the many Brothers who generously gave of their time and effort. Their names are too numerous to mention here, but they know who they are. On behalf of the entire Council, and those who benefit from our work, thank you!

One benefit of being the oldest Council in Sacramento (and one of the oldest in California) is that we have a great deal of institutional knowledge. Our oldest members have been Knights for two, three, or even four decades, and many of them have served in just about every capacity imaginable. Their experience and wisdom help guide our Council forward. However, our older Brothers will not always be with us. The future of this Council, or any Council for that matter, lies in our newer members, so it is encouraging that virtually all our
core officers have been Knights for only a few years. Still, so many of our newer Brothers are not particularly active, and I would love to see us change that.

If you are a newer Brother, I encourage you to think about how you can play a more active role in the life of our council. We would love to hear your ideas and get to know you better as a fellow Catholic gentleman. If you have been a Knight for a while, reach out to one of our newer members and invite them to one of our dinners. Remember the second principle of the Order: unity. Whether we have been Knights for three decades or three weeks, this is OUR council, and there is no limit to what we can accomplish united in brotherhood.

Thank you,
Adam Struck
Grand Knight, Council 953

St. George Parish BBQ

Members of council 953 ran the bar at this years St. George Parrsh BBQ.Members of council 953 ran the bar at this years St. George Parrsh BBQ. Next year St. George Church hopes to expand their annual summer BBQ into to a food festival. Pictured are Alan Dahl, Greg Wolfe, GK Adam Struck, Reader Fred Struck and Nick Bilandzich.

Knight of the Month for August

Our Knight of the Month for August was Scott Raab.Our Knight of the Month for August was Scott Raab. He is the outreach director of Move America Forward, a Rancho Cordova organization that sends care packages to our troops overseas and provides assistance to veterans here at home. Recently, Scott connected with the Knights of Columbus Wheelchair Mission and was able to secure 30 wheelchairs that Move America Forward later distributed to disabled veterans in our area. Scott keeps busy with his work, and so we don’t always see him at our regular meetings and events. But that hasn’t stopped him from fulfilling our order’s mission of charity. Well done, Brother Scott!