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PGK and Old Timers Dinner & Installation of Officers

On Thursday June 25, Council 953 held its annual PGK & Old Timers Dinner and installation of officers for the 2015-16 Columbian Year.

Council 953's newly sworn officers, with District Deputy Ricardo Saldaña.PGK Rudy Nagel is honored for achieving 55 years of service in the Knights of Columbus!







Outgoing Grand Knight John Sheldon receives the PGK pin and a special gift from the council in appreciation of his service.Top Left: Council 953’s newly sworn officers, with District Deputy Ricardo Saldaña. Top Right: PGK Rudy Nagel is honored for achieving 55 years of service in the Knights of Columbus! Left: Outgoing Grand Knight John Sheldon receives the PGK pin and a special gift from the council in appreciation of his service. Bottom Left: Honoring Council 953’s past Grand Knights. Bottom Right: The Struck family, Adam and PGK Fred, are honored as Family of the Year.


The Struck family, Adam and PGK Fred, are honored as Family of the Year.

Honoring Council 953's past Grand Knights.

Grand Knight’s Message, June 2015

Brother Knights,

I do not know which was longer, the 2014-2015 Columbian Year or the 203 miles I walked in Spain. Council 953 should feel proud at all that we accomplished via unity and fraternity. We hosted five major fundraisers while providing much appreciated charity to the unborn, the needy, the frail, and the church. None of this would have been possible without the dedication of you, Brother Knights.

Grand Knight John Sheldon takes a rest during his May pilgrimage in SpainAs for my May pilgrimage in Spain, it enriched my life greatly. I traversed rolling plains, hills, and mountains, while taking in urban, rural, and natural surroundings. I dealt with flies feasting on fresh manure, cows, dust, rain, heat, wind, and cold. I had the benefit of conversing with other pilgrims and long expanses of solitude. I experienced the modern and the ancient, the young and the old. All of this jumbled together on one road, one trail, one way called the Camino, punctuated by yellow arrows and scallop shells.

It is a blessing to have both in my life during the past 12 months.

Thank You and God Bless.

John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953

PGK & Old Timers Dinner & Installation of Officers

On Thursday, June 25, the council will be holding a combined installation of our officers for the upcoming Columbian year and our annual PGK and Old Timers Dinner. This is the event where we honor our outgoing Grand Knight, welcome our incoming GK, and install our new officers. We also honor our Past Grand Knights and those of our long time members who have achieved milestones of service in the Knights of Columbus.

6:00 PM – No host social hour
6:30 PM – Installation of officers
7:00 PM – Dinner

The cost is $10.00 per adult. PGK’s as well as children 12 and under eat for free. Additional information is available on the attached flyer. For reservations, please call Adam Struck at 914-5041 or visit the Council’s web site at

Officers Nominated by the Committee for the 2015-16 Columbian Year

The committee has nominated the following slate of officers for the 2015-16 Columbian Year. The slate of officers will be read at the May Business Meeting and voted on at the June Business Meeting:

Grand Knight – Lewis Muñoz
Deputy Grand Knight – Bryan McKrell
Chancellor – Adam Struck
Warden – Garrett Thomas
Recorder – John Watling
Inside Guard – Michael Litwin
Outside Guard – Greg Wolfe
Advocate – Matt Lucien
Treasurer – Dale Edwards
3 Year Trustee – George Mills
2 Year Trustee – Fred Struck
1 Year Trustee – Al Piccardo
Financial Secretary – John Sheldon (to be nominated by Supreme)

Nominations may be accepted from the floor at the May Business Meeting, provided the nominee has agreed to serve if elected.

Scholarships Awarded to Cristo Rey Students

Scholarships Awarded to Cristo Rey Students by Dale Edwards and Adam StruckAs in recent years, Council 953 selected four graduating seniors at Cristo Rey High School to receive our $500 scholarship awards. Brother
Adam Struck accompanied me to make the presentation on May 20th at the school’s new location on Jackson Highway. This year’s awards went to: Oliverio Barragan, Jezabel Galvan, Maria Reyes and Miriam Pintor.

This is one of the best uses of our council dollars that is made possible by our annual dues. Thanks to all our members for being a part of this program.

Dale Edwards
Youth Director

Grand Knight’s Message, May 2015

Brother Knights,

Pilgrimage! “Pilgrimage” you say? Well it is quite simple. In July, I decided to become a pilgrim; boots, backpack, shell, and hat in hand. As you read these words, I will be in Spain and traveling along the Way of St. James, also known as the Camino or French Way. They say you do not know “why” until after three days of travel. They also say God only starts building you back up until after you complete another four. Yet I do not take this journey alone. Several thousand other pilgrims are along the route, forming a special bond. In addition, I carry in an envelope those intentions entrusted to me, by friends, family, and Brother Knights. This joyful burden is completed when I place them at the foot of the reliquary of Saint James the Greater in Santiago de Compestela. I trust that once my journey is complete, I will be a better Man, a better Catholic, and a better Knight.

Buen Camino,
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953