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Grand Knight’s Message July 2012

To my Worthy Brother Knights and their Families,

A special thank you to everyone in council 953 for your vote of confidence to lead this council a second consecutive year. I am humbled, honored, and excited to serve you again. We have many returning officers and directors as well a couple of new ones, who will with out a doubt, bring fresh perspectives and ideas to our council. To those officers/ directors returning, thank you for continuing to share in what will most certainly be a great year. To those new, welcome and learn from the guidance of those before you. Our council is rich in history and we must lead with wisdom, integrity &  passion.

Our Deputy Grand Knight Fred Struck and I are working feverishly to complete our councils calendar by next month. We will have our routine dinners with a couple of new events added. If you’d like to get involved with chairing an event please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking for new knights to get actively involved. We will also introduce a revamped web site, look for us on twitter #KofC953 and “like” us on Facebook Knights of Columbus # 953.

It was once said that God does not always called the qualified, but that He always qualifies the called. We were all called to join the K of C, it’s our responsibility to help in any capacity. You can help make this an impactful year. Call a friend to join, invite him to one of our dinners and remember… new potential members eat free. We encourage you to take the 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree, come to our meetings, support our dinners/events or meet with your field agent. There are so many ways to get involved, you just have to be open to letting our Lord work through you. Working together with your fellow Brother knights, we can achieve more.

American FlagI’ll end this months message with a conversation I recently had with a returning Brother Knight. He said that he can see the Holy Spirit working through our officers and our council, so much that It prompted him to get involved and to become more active. There are great things in store for all of us as a council, come experience,  come join us.

“GO! Make a Difference”
Father Micheal McGivney- Pray for us!
Ricardo Saldana
Grand Knight Council 953

Knight of the Year

Knight of the Year 2012We are very pleased and honored to announce that Brother Terry Corcoran was elected as the Knight of the Year. Quite frankly brothers, we couldn’t operate with out the many unselfish efforts of Terry. Firstly, he is our hall custodian/repairman/gardener and jack of all trades. Secondly he is one of our core hall cooks and many of our events just wouldn’t happen without his help. Speaking of his help, I cant think of one council event he hasn’t been involved in some capacity. Lately he has been filling in at the bar for the council and 4th degree. He is also the chairman of the annual garage sale and of the e-waste drive.

Brothers lets give a hand of thanks to Terry!
May he be with us for a long, long time, he is much appreciated.

Cristo Rey Scholarships

Cristo Rey Scholarship RecipiantsCongratulations to the four winners of the Knights of Columbus Council 953 scholarships of $500.00 each. Each of the four winners were from Cristo Rey Catholic High School in Sacramento. The checks were presented by Grand Knight Ricardo Saldana at the Awards Assembly held at the end of the school year. The names of the winners are:

  • Celeste Pretelin
  • Guadalupe Flores-Marin
  • Ronald Pettit Jr
  • Daniel Rogers

Over 8,000 Miles on a Motorcycle in 27 Days

Dale Edwards Over 8,000 Miles on a Motorcycle in 27 DaysOur Treasurer, Dale Edwards and two members of Bishop Manogue Assembly (4th Degree) did just that. Starting on May 14th they rode from Sacramento to Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Then on May 16th they departed Rancho Cucamonga with about 400 other riders for a 10-day trip across America to Washington D.C.  This was the 23rd anniversary of the “Run For The Wall,” an event sponsored by a Vietnam Veterans non-profit organization. The Run was well organized with every day’s route, food and gas stops specified. The Run ended in Washington D.C. in time for Memorial Day. On Saturday, May 26, first time riders on the Run were allowed to ride their motorcycles into Arlington Cemetery to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns. The Run For The Wall riders are the only persons allowed to drive/ride their vehicles into Arlington. On Sunday, Dale and about 1/2 million other motorcyclists participated in the 25th anniversary of Rolling Thunder, an event meant to send a message to Congress to remember all POWs and MIAs from all wars. This event included a several hours long parade of motorcycles around the Washington Mall. The ride home was highlighted by a tour of West Point Military Academy, a National Purple Heart Memorial museum, Niagra Falls, Louisville Slugger factory and museum, and Monument Valley in southern Utah. Dale and his 4th Degree riding companions all returned home in good health and each are making plans for next year’s ride.

Knight of the Month June 2012

Knight of the Month June 2012 Robert PerezThis Knight has been a member of our council since 2010. Besides helping out with various functions and events he has worked with the Dioceses on providing funding to four seminarians, including especially Collin Winn, who came to one of our dinners this year. Coordinating with the dioceses was not easy given the recent turn over in the director of vocations. More recently, he has been gathering information on Supreme’s new program for funding seminarians with the Military Arch Diocese. His dedication and efforts have laid the ground work for other Knights to follow.

It is with great pride to announce Robert Perez as Knight of the Month for June 2012!

Officers Elected for 2012-2013 Columbian Year

Congratulations to the new officers of our Council who were elected at our June meeting.

Council 953 Officers forColumbian Year 2012-2013

Grand Knight, Ricardo Saldana
Deputy Grand Knight, Fred Struck
Chancellor, John Sheldon
Warden, Lewis Munoz
Recorder, Andy Thielen
Treasurer, Dale Edwards
Advocate, Richard Cuttng
Inside Guard, Robert Perez
Outside Guard, Darin Hunter
Trustees – 3 year, Matthew Lucien, 2 year, Joe Miceli, 1 year Bill James