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Grand Knight’s Message June 2012


To my Worthy Brother Knights and their Families,

It is better to give than to receive.

Most everyone enjoys gifts. The gift of food can satisfy ones hunger for a day. The gift mobility can offers someone hope, new life and answered prayers. The gift of life can be given by speaking with Mother’s to be, who feel as though they are out of options. The gift of belonging can answer someone’s call to serve, to be part of something larger for the greater good, to be relied upon with fellow Brothers standing in solidarity.

The Knights of Columbus  offers ALL these gifts and more. Through our wheelchair mission program we give the gift of mobility. In fact, the K of C have donated over 30,000 wheelchairs over the last nine years. It is estimated that an average of 9 lives are directly changed for every wheelchair donated. Through our loaves and fishes program & donations we offer food for the hungry, an estimated 800 (sometimes more) hot meals EVERY DAY. Through Pro-life events we help speak for the unborn and encourage expecting Mothers to find hope and God’s Love through not only our actions, but the organizations we help support. And through our Council, we offer solidarity in our founding principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism, with all those sworn to serve and protect the Catholic Church and her values.

You can offer this very gift. This gift that was given to us is not ours to keep, it’s meant to be shared. Our council is only as strong as it’s members. Our good works can only continue with brother Knights contributing. I joined the Sacramento council because I had a sense of wanting to do greater good. The Knights of Columbus found me (thank you Brother Dominic), and this council  became the vehicle to do more, with fellow Brothers who share the same values. This council has helped me grow spiritually and personally.

To those NOT currently members of the Knights of Columbus… The gift of membership allows empty voids to be filled, it opens doors to life. Christ is knocking on their door and using US as the doorbell. It is our responsibility to answer our call and accept our role. Everyone wants to be part of something alive.
The Knights of Columbus is ALIVE!
We are Living, Breathing and Growing. We are ALL inspired by God. We are all called to serve. Talk to your friend, your co-worker or family member about joining the Knights. Give this gift… of more.

Vivat Jesus!
Ricardo Saldana
Grand Knight Council 953

Grand Knight’s Message May 2012


To my Worthy Brother Knights and their Families,

I trust we all had a wonderful & blessed Easter. With Pentecost just around the corner, now is the time to renew and strengthen our faith, our lives and our families. Let us welcome the Holy Spirit and celebrate the birthday of the church by being active in both your parish and council. Let the Knights of Columbus be your vehicle to help accomplish this goal. Please approach us with any ideas or thoughts you may have. We are here to serve.

Thank you to all who contributed to our saint’s and sinners golf tournament as well as our annual yard sale. The proceeds raised will go to the many worthy causes our council supports. Just a reminder, we are preparing for our 2nd E-waste drive on June 16th. Terry will be happy to come by and pick up any items  too large to fit in your vehicle. Please visit our council’s website ( ) for items that can be collected. Basically, if it plugs in, we’ll take it!

This May’s general meeting will mark the last of our “Free Dinner’s” so please take advantage  and come visit your fellow Knights at the hall. We’d LOVE to see you.

Lastly, We are fast approaching the end of our Columbian year. If you know of any fellow parishioners, catholic co-workers or friends… talk to them about the Knights of Columbus. If you’re uncomfortable with this, let us know, we’d be happy to talk to them for you. Sometimes, all it takes is asking.

Saint John Vianney – PRAY FOR US
Father Michael McGivney – PRAY FOR US

Ricardo Saldaña
Grand Knight council 953

Officers nominated by the committee for 2012-2013 Columbian year

The slate of officers that follows are nominated by the committee and will be voted on at the June Business Meeting.

Grand Knight, Ricardo Saldana
Deputy Grand Knight, Fred Struck
Chancellor, John Sheldon
Warden, Lewis Munoz
Recorder, Andy Thielen
Treasurer, Dale Edwards
Advocate, Richard Cuttng
Inside Guard, Robert Perez
Outside Guard, Darin Hunter
Trustees – 3 year, Matthew Lucien, 2 year, Joe Miceli, 1 year Bill James

Nominations may be accepted from the floor provided the nominee has agreed to serve if elected.

Thanks to All Who Helped on Our 5th Annual Yard Sale

Much thanks to my fellow knights whom helped this weekend for our 5th Annual yard sale: First and foremost Steve Mills. I could NOT do this without your help and many hours spent at the hall, THANK YOU! Next, David Carboni Your polish dogs were a BIG hit again this year and I REALLY appreciate all the support you have given to this cause, especially since Bonnie has been under the weather, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Next George Mills, Bill, Rudy Nagel and Darin Hunter (our newest Knight) thanks SO MUCH for not only putting in hours during the sale, but for helping with Friday night set-up too! Much thanks to my other Friday night set-up men of Bill and Frank. You two plus Darin and George stayed so late I could not have finished as early as I did, THANKS SO MUCH!!! Next to Al, thanks for bringing the piano. That extra $$ made for a lot less dismal weekend. John Sheldon, thanks SO MUCH with the Sunday night cleanup and thanks to you and your mom for the MANY donations!!! Also thanks to Alex Kachmar for helping to pack up the items not sold. I wish I could say it was a great sale for our charities money wise, but sales were WAY down, so maybe next year. THANKS SO MUCH GUYS!!!

Terrance Corcoran

Knight of the Month April 2012

April Knight of the MonthThis Knight is always visible helping out at all the council events. He is Past Grand Knight. He is a member of both the First Degree and the Second Degree Teams. He is currently our Worthy Council Treasurer. He is our Youth Director. As Youth Director he has just recently finished organizing the Free-throw basketball contest, despite the fact that he was hobbled quite a bit by a broken left foot . Also as Youth Director he has worked with Cristo Rey High School which included researching candidates for the Knights of Columbus Scholarships. As a member of the Forth Degree he serves in the Color Guard. He is also the Faithful Captain in the Forth Degree.

It is with great pride to announce Sir Knight Dale Edwards as Knight of the Month April 2012!