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St. Peter & All Hallows Men’s Conference

St. Peter & All Hallows Men’s Conference will be held February 25. Registration is from 7 – 8 a.m. Cost is $30 per person (lunch included) Guest speakers include
Jesse Romero: “The Danger of Pornography,” and “What is the Devine Mercy,”
Father McNeely (Sacramento’s St. Stephen’s Parish): “The Role of the Father in Society and the Church,”
Father Oscar Gomez-Medina: “Lent and Its Spiritual Journey.”
The conference will close with Mass at 4 p.m.

To pre-register, send your payment to All Hallows’ Parish Office – 5500 13th Avenue, Sacramento, Ca. 95820
If you have any questions, call the All Hallows’ Parish Office at (916) 456-7206

Vivat Jesus,
Matt Lucien

Ladies Night

Thursday, February 16, 2012 is the annual Valentine’s get together for the Council. This is the day the Council invites our Ladies to a FREE meal, in appreciation for all the good things they do for the Knights of Columbus, Council 953. Thank you Ladies! That is the good news; now the bad…Knights and other male guests will be charged $15.00 for this meal. The menu is salad, Chicken Cacciatore, pasta, vegetable, mashed sweet potatoes, rolls with butter, and a yummy dessert. Reservations are preferred; and should be made by February 15. Please make your reservations with Matt Lucien, 429-8598, or the Hall 736-0953. Social time will begin at 6:00 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.

Knights of the Month January 2012

Steve Mills Presents “Knight of the Month” certificate to Johnny Waldron
Steve Mills Presents “Knight of the Month” certificate to Johnny Waldron

It is with great pleasure that council #953 announces co- Knights of the Month for January 2012, Al Piccardo and Johnny Waldron. On behalf of their enormous efforts with major fund raising dinners in both December and January. Al, in the front of the house and John in the kitchen . Both have worked tirelessly in tandem to provide the two best dinners, the Crab Feed and Shrimp Dinner and remarkable fundraising results for our council. These two dinners are the highlight of the calendar year and we at council #953 publicly acknowledge them at this time.

Thank you Al and Johnny for making this such a great council!

Grand Knight’s Message January 2012

To My Brother Knights & Their Families,

The new year brings a time to reflect on the past year. An opportunity to not repeat our mistakes. A rebirth of change, hope & optimism. Our blessings have been abundant. We have family, friends & our brother Knights.

This new year, I pray for our Brother Knights & their families, our councils growth and that the impact of our council be felt throughout the churches & communities. But above all, I pray for God’s will to be done. Recently our council has lost a few Knights. May their souls rest in peace & may their families find comfort in our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.

Lastly, as we approach the second half of our Colombian year, I hope to see further participation from our Brothers, not just the regulars, but new faces. We have many events coming up starting with this month’s crab feed. Please check our councils website for further information. I’d also like to thank Terry for a great job on our first ever (hopefully annual) E-Waste drive. Over 6400 lbs were collected! Thank you all for your continued support.

Thank you, may God bless us all & keep us close to His heart.

“St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.”
Ricardo Saldana
Grand Knight, Council 953

Grand Knight’s Message December 2011

To My Brother Knights & Their Families,

So much to address in this month’s message. I trust everyone is preparing for the coming of our Lord & Savior. Opening our hearts to God’s message enables us to better perform His plan for us and others. Don’t forget the “keep Christ in Christmas” campaign sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Please visit our website for additional information.

A special thank you to all who attended our November main meeting. We had over 37 Knights participate in our very first (to my knowledge) “Veterans thank you dinner.” This great turn out was indeed a sign of support & thanks to those who served our great country.

This month also marks our first ever “e-waste drive” on December 17th. Please bring your old tv’s, computers, lap tops, fax machines, printers etc… to the hall between 9am -1pm. Also don’t forget that Friday December 9th is our Christmas pot luck, please join us if you are able.

Please remember those who are in need especially at this time of the year. Keeping this in mind the officers of our Council at the December Officers Meeting decided to donate $200.00 to Loaves & Fishes as the council has done in past years.

Next month message will complete the fourth principle of patriotism. Thank you all for a great first half of the Columbian year. It is my sincere hope that we take this momentum into the new year.

Thank you, may God bless us all & keep us close to His heart.

“St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.”
Ricardo Saldana
Grand Knight, Council 953

Council 953’s Christmas Potluck

The Council’s Christmas Potluck will be on Friday, Dec. 9, 2011.  All Brother Knights and their families are invited.  The hall and bar will open at 5:30 PM and dinner will be served at 6:30 PM.  There will also be an attendance drawing and one lucky member will win $50.00.  The Council will provide a ham for the potluck.  Please bring food dishes according to the first letter of your last name as follows:

A-H: side dishes;  I-R: main dishes;  S-Z:  desserts

Also, we would ask that you bring an unused baby item for a donation to the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home.  Some suggestions are:

Diapers            Wipes                Formula
Bottles & nipples        Baby Toys            Onesies
Receiving Blankets        Baby washcloths        Baby soaps