Category Archives: Knight of the Month

Knight and Family of the Month – August 2014

Michael McVean pictured at left with GK John Sheldon
Michael McVean pictured at left with GK John Sheldon

At the August business meeting, Michael McVean was named Knight of the Month for August in appreciation of his assistance with the St. Stephen’s Beer Booth and the Hall Board’s steak dinner. (pictured at left with GK John Sheldon)

In addition, the family of Brian McKrell was named Family of the Month. Brian organized our fun-filled council picnic in July and has made many other contributions in his role as Family Director.

Past Grand Knights & Old Timers Dinner

2014-2015 Council 953 OfficersOn June 26, Council 953 held its annual Past Grand Knights & Old Timers Dinner. In addition to the installation of officers for the 2014-15 Columbian Year, several council members were honored for their service during the 2013-14 Columbian Year.

John Watling was honored as Knight of the Year,

John Watling was honored as Knight of the Year, and Ricardo Saldaña and his wife Monica were honored as
Family of the Year.

Past Grand Knight Fred Struck in honor of his year of service as Grand Knight.


In addition, a Plaque of Appreciation was presented to Immediate Past Grand Knight Fred Struck in honor of his year of service as Grand Knight.



Many thanks for all who worked hard to make the Past Grand Knight’s/Old Timers Dinner a great success. As usual the food was great. I especially want to thank Dave Carboni, who was in the kitchen cooking from 12:30 pm until the dinner was served. Also thanks to Terry Corcoran, Steve Mills, Tom Nulk, George Mills, John Watling, Dale Edwards, Carlos Galindo, Garrett Thomas, Hector Garcia.

Knight of the Month – June 2014

Terry Corcoran Knight of the Month for June 2014

Our Knight of the Month for June is Terry Corcoran. He is our hall custodian/repairman/gardener and jack of all trades. He is one of our core hall cooks and many of our events just wouldn’t happen without his help. There isn’t a council event in which he hasn’t been involved in some capacity. He is also the chairman of the annual garage sale, the proceeds of which allowed the Council to donate $500 to Clara’s House Free Clinic and $300 to the St. Mary’s Bereavement Society. Recently when work needed to be done in the council office to pass a fire inspection he had the work done without being asked.

Knight of the Month – May 2014

Knight of the Month May 2014
Dale Edwards receives Knight of the Month certificate from Grand Knight Fred Struck

He is a member of the 1st and 2nd degree teams. He is a Past Grand Knight and the current Treasurer of our council. He is the Youth Director, has been the chairman of Irish Night for many years, and is the Color Corps Commander and a Past Faithful Navigator in the 4th Degree.

Our Knight of the Month for the month of May is Dale Edwards.

Knight of the Month – April 2014

Kevin Simpson, Knight of the Month April 2014
Kevin Simpson, Knight of the Month April 2014

Our Knight of the Month for April is Kevin Simpson. He was our Membership Director and an active member of our council. He attended most of our meetings and helped out at most of our functions. Kevin passed away on April 5th as the result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident while he was on the way to the exemplification of the 4th Degree. Per our worthy master and current faithful navigator of the Fourth Degree, Kevin Simpson will be treated as a Sir Knight in the Fourth Degree.

Knight of the Month – February 2014

Knight of the Month February 2014The Knight of the Month for February 2014 is PGK Al Piccardo. For many years, Al has taken the lead in organizing two of our biggest events – the Giant Shrimp Dinner in November and the Crab Feed in January. He always goes out of his way to ensure that the events are successful by bringing in huge crowds and soliciting raffle prizes from local merchants. Council 953 is pleased to name Al Knight of the Month for February in appreciation for his continued hard work that again made these two recent events successful and fun for all.