He is our Hall bartender and our Health Director. He helps out at nearly every event that is held at the council. He has been the chairman for German Night for several years. It is because of him that German Night is always a great success. The Knight of the month for the November is Tom Nulk.
At the September business meeting, George Mills was named Knight of the Month in recognition of his hard work in once again organizing the Zippy Bun Booth at St. Mary’s festival. This was George’s last year as event chairman, a role he as served in an exemplary manner for many years.
At the August business meeting, PGK Ricardo Saldana was named Knight of the Month in appreciation for his service as Council 953’s Grand Knight for the past two years. Ricardo’s dedication and enthusiasm guided our council through two very successful years. Congratulations, Brother!
George Mills and Dale Edwards were both chosen as Knight of the year by the Council. Bill Renard and his wife Anne Liese Renard were chosen as Family of the Year. A Certificate of Appreciation for his service as Chaplain for the past two years was presented to Fr. Francis Chirackal. A plaque for his two years of service as Grand Knight was presented to PGK Ricardo Saldana.
Bill Renard on right is presented the April Knight of the Month certificate by Terry Corcoran on left
Bill Renard was selected as Knight of the Month for the month April 2013. Some of our hardest working members do so much work for the council behind the scenes. Bill is Vice President of the Building Association. Bill is always helping out at the hall, making repairs, cleaning up and recently he filled his car full of e-waste to take to CEAR.
PGK Rudy Nagel and Bill Renard receive Knight of the Month certificates from Deputy Grand Knight Fred Struck
It is with great pleasure that Council 953 announces
Co-Knights of the Month for July 2012, PGK Rudy Nagel and Bill Renard. On behalf of their enormous efforts with repaving and striping the hall parking lot. Both worked tirelessly on their hands and knees to complete the job. Both also serve on the Hall Board and spend countless hours keeping our hall in good repair.