The annual Memorial Mass will be held on Sunday, November 2 at St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Parish, 1620 Bell Street. The Divine Liturgy (Mass) will begin at 10:30 am, followed immediately by the traditional Byzantine Catholic memorial service in honor of our deceased Brother Knights. All Brothers who attend are invited to join the parish community for refreshments in the parish hall immediately following the memorial service.
Grand Knight’s Message, October 2014
Brother Knights:
“Struggle” is an apt way of describing this month’s message. No, it does not define my efforts in finding an underused euphemism, but people and events that have come to my attention. Struggle describes Holy Family Church and Mt. Shasta Council 2599 in Weed California, which burned to the ground by a fast moving forest fire. Struggle describes a plea for help by a Catholic prison chaplain who had all his state funding cut off unannounced. Struggle describes those suffering from Intellectual Disabilities, who benefit from our Tootsie Roll fundraising. Yet, as Knights, we come to their aid, lighten their burden, and make part of their struggles our own.
Go! Make a difference…
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953
First Annual Mexican Night Successful
Last month’s Mexican Night was a huge success. Thanks to all brothers and the student helpers who helped with the dinner, including PGK Ricardo Saldaña’s family and Lewis Muñoz’s family. For further details, all Brothers should attend our Council’s October General Business Meeting. The Grand Knight will be giving his report on the results of the dinner at the next business meeting.
Council 953 Donates Money for Iraqi Christians
In August, Supreme Council announced that the Knights of Columbus would be donating $500,000 to aid Christians suffering persecution and death in Iraq. It was further announced that Supreme would match additional donations made by the public, up to a maximum of an additional $500,000.
At the September Business Meeting, Council 953 answered the call and agreed to write a check for $100 to the relief effort. In addition, a cash collection taken up that evening generated an additional $221 for a total donation of $321 from Council 953. With the match from Supreme, this constitutes $642 for our suffering Christian brethren.
Knight of the Month – September 2014
Hector Garcia was named Knight of the Month at the September business meeting. Hector has been a source of consistent and much-appreciated help at all of the Council’s recent events, including the Steak Dinner. His dedication is also evident in his role as Pro Life Director, in which he does an excellent job keeping his Brother Knights updated on events and legislation related to life issues. Hector also is in his second year serving as one of Council’s Guards.
Reminder: E-Waste Donations Still Accepted
The council is accepting donations of e-waste and scrap metal on a continuous basis. E-waste is any electronic or battery-powered device, including computers, printers, cell phones, and household appliances (except refrigerators). These devices are recycled in exchange for dollars that are used to fund improvements to the hall. E-waste donations may be brought to the council hall or, in some cases, can be picked up from your home or place of business.
For more information, please contact
Terry Corcoran