Knight of the Month April 2012

April Knight of the MonthThis Knight is always visible helping out at all the council events. He is Past Grand Knight. He is a member of both the First Degree and the Second Degree Teams. He is currently our Worthy Council Treasurer. He is our Youth Director. As Youth Director he has just recently finished organizing the Free-throw basketball contest, despite the fact that he was hobbled quite a bit by a broken left foot . Also as Youth Director he has worked with Cristo Rey High School which included researching candidates for the Knights of Columbus Scholarships. As a member of the Forth Degree he serves in the Color Guard. He is also the Faithful Captain in the Forth Degree.

It is with great pride to announce Sir Knight Dale Edwards as Knight of the Month April 2012!

April Family of the Month

April Family of the MonthWe are very pleased and honored to announce that the family of Br. David Carboni, was elected as the Family of the Month for the April of 2012.

Dave and his wife Bonnie have just celebrated their 50th  wedding anniversary.

Br. Dave with the support of his wife Bonnie, have done great jobs at the Council’s Fundraisers for Charities. Also if not working at these fundraisers they, always attend them.

Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 953
wishing the Br. David Carboni family, MANY – MANY HAPPY YEARS!

Victims Rights Rally at the State Capitol

Victims Rights Rally at the State CapitolOn April 24, 2012, two Knights from our Council participated in the third annual Victims Rights Rally at the State Capitol. This event was part of California Crime Victims Rights Month. Pictured are Bill Jackson (a relatively new member) and Dale Edwards (PGK and current Treasurer). They were asked by Fr. Kiernan at the Cathedral to help out by handing out information about the Catholic churches program called Restorative Justice which serves to provide healing to crime victims. The event at the capitol was made quite poignantly by the placement of hundreds of large photos of murder victims. If you would like more information on this event, go to:

Dale Edwards

Grand Knight’s Message April 2012


To my Worthy Brothers and their Loving Families;

As we celebration Easter, it’s important to remember the sacrifice made by our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Through his death we have an opportunity for eternal life. What we do with this opportunity is dependent on us. Some people don’t do a thing, and it is those souls (among others) we pray for, that they may hear God’s call. Others hear a call of service… through vocations, or through organizations such as the Knights of Columbus.

When the Gulf of Mexico was hit by hurricane Katrina, the K of C immediately donated 10.6 million dollars to help the victims and their families. Eventually more than 46 million dollars were donated (from the Knights) within months of the tragedy. The K of C was primarily responsible for the opening of catholic schools 6 months before the first public school was opened. These figures are only the monetary donations and do not include the countless volunteer hours from Brother Knights and their Families. It’s information such as this that makes me proud to be a Knight.

Our organization is strong and steadfast. Our foundation is built on the principles that have carried the Knights through the centuries. It’s these core values that call us to help others and It’s these same values that help help us do God’s work. Please keep in mind that Christ died and rose so that we may live. Let’s live in his spirit and do his works for each other.

Some quick notes:

  • special thanks to Sir Knight Dale Edwards for a fun-tastic Irish night.
  • A Great presence at our 40 days for life witness
  • Please “like” our Facebook page: Knights of Columbus #953

Coming up:

  • Saints & Sinners golf tournament 4/26
  • Garage Sale at the hall 4/28-4/29

Saint John Vianney – PRAY FOR US
Father Michael McGivney – PRAY FOR US

Ricardo Saldaña
Grand Knight council 953

Basketball Free-throw Contest Results

Council 953 again this year conducted the basketball free throw contest at three area schools: St. Marys, Sacred Heart and Holy Spirit. The total students that participated was 290 this year. These are boys and girls ages 10-14. It took a few hours at each school to go through all of these students. I really appreciate the Brother Knights that volunteered this year to help run the events, especially since I was hobbled quite a bit by a broken left foot. The helpers were: Dick Cutting, Floyd Wells, Ricardo Saldana, Steve Mills. I feel like I am leaving someone out, so please accept my thanks and apology if I have. We will do it again next year.

Dale Edwards, Youth Director

Culture of Life Report April 2012

Culture Of Life Report

40 Days for Life – Spring Vigil recap
Thanks to those of you who participated through prayer, fast & witness during the spring prayer vigil of 40 Days for Life. I’d especially like to thank those Knights and family members who came to the sidewalk on March 24th. We had (5) Brother Knights and (1) family member come to the sidewalk where we prayed together with several others who had gathered as well at the Women’s Health Specialist abortion business at 1750 Wright Street.
Internationally, vigil participants know of 668 babies were spared from abortion because of the peaceful, prayerful presence of the people participating in the 40 Days for Life vigils. Also several more abortion business workers quit their jobs after speaking with 40 DFL vigil participants
Even though the spring vigil concluded on Palm Sunday, please don’t stop praying, offering fasts and witnessing for the end to the destruction of innocent and distinct human lives.
To learn more about 40 Days for Life, visit and

Religious Liberty / Health Care Mandate
Brothers and families, you may have noticed that the mainstream media has for the most part stopped covering the religious liberty issue as it regards the health care mandate. And, in fact, when they do, they are continuing to call it a “debate over contraception.”
Excuse me. Let’s be really clear about what this is about: it is not about contraception and never has been. Not one of the US Bishops has made any call to make contraception illegal. This is about the government telling religious institutions that they must violate their deeply held beliefs and pay for services that they deem to be immoral.
Now the Supreme Court has heard arguments on the legalities of the Health Care Law and if it were to be thrown out then the mandate will go with it. However it is imperative that we continue to communicate to our elected representatives that this is the government overstepping its bounds. This must be communicated time and again even when we are certain they disagree with us. Also, letters to the editors, comments to news articles and internet forums are helpful too.
Don’t give up this fight. And if you’re still on the sidelines, it is time to get in the game. Go to and for info and the latest updates.

Visit the 953 Culture of Life blog
If you haven’t checked out the blog, open your browser and head over to:

“To claim the right to abortion, infanticide and euthanasia, and to recognize that right in law, means to attribute to human freedom a perverse and evil significance: that of an absolute power over others and against others. This is the death of true freedom: “Truly, truly, I say to you, every one who commits sin is a slave to sin” (Jn 8:34).” – Evangelium Vitae, 20 – Blessed John Paul II

Dominic Ielati
Culture of Life Director

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.