It’s Time to Face the Long-Term-Care Dilemma

“It’s Time to Face the Long-Term-Care Dilemma”
Wall Street Journal Online (06/09/14) Blumenthal, David

For the 69 percent of seniors who will need long-term care, there are few good options. Many will receive help from family or friends, but AARP says that declining family size means a 43 percent reduction in the supply of these “informal” caregivers by 2030. Roughly 12 percent of Americans over 65 have private long-term care insurance, but that paltry proportion is declining rather than growing. There are other challenges. Increased life expectancy will likely mean more demand for these services, and rates of disability for boomers are increasing, due in part to the obesity epidemic. There is some good news: Medicaid has increased funding in recent years for home and communitybased long-term care services, and states are innovating to promote and support informal caregiving. But it still adds up to a frightening reality. For many boomers, the only option will be spending down to poverty, moving into a nursing home and having Medicaid foot the bill.

No One Wants to Be Dependent on RFC (Relatives, Friends, or Charity)!!

The Knights of Columbus believes in helping you keep your promises. Long-Term care Insurance with the order can help you to do just that. Long-Term care can devastate a family’s finances and seriously deplete funds you have saved for retirement, or had planned to leave to your heirs. For those who wish to preserve their estates, reliance on government programs for Long-Term care is usually not an option. Expenses for Long-Term care are substantial and can seriously erode your estate, quickly undermining the most well crafted asset protection plan.

Fortunately, there is a way to keep this from happening. Contact me to discuss how Knights of Columbus Long- Term care Insurance can help you.

Fraternally, Your Brother and Field Agent,
Marco Manrique
CA LIC 0I39878, FA16570
(707) 301-1783

Culture of Life Report for August 2014

Brother Knights,

Have you asked yourself, what does it take to answer the call outlined by Pope John II in The Gospel of Life (Evangelium Vitae, 1995)? The answer, my Brothers is simple, one must dedicate himself to Pro-life activities and promoting respect for the dignity of the human person.

We have been provided with wonderful examples of what can be done. The Little Sisters of the Poor were recognized for their dedication in serving the elderly poor. The HHS mandate would make the Little Sisters facilitate access to abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization and contraceptives in their employee health plan or face punitive fines. Because they serve and hire persons who are not Catholic, the Little Sisters are not considered a “religious employer.” In September 2013, they filed a class-action lawsuit, Little Sisters of the Poor vs. Sebelius, to persist in their ministry without having to violate their beliefs.

Brother Knights, you can also take action. Begin today, by merely writing a letter to your elected representatives.

Please reflect and pray on what you have read. I leave you with a prayer.

O Blessed Mother,
Pray for us your children
That we may be strong against the forces of death.
Look down upon the babies not allowed to be born,
On the poor, on the victims of social injustice,
On the elderly and sick killed by the indifference or misguided mercy.
Help us appreciate the miracle of life as a gift from God,
And may we become a People of Life! Amen
Don’t Let The Devil’s Work Go Unchallenged – Get Involved!

God Bless,
Hector Garcia
Culture of Life Director

Grand Knight’s Message, July 2014

To My Brother Knights and Their Families:

I am thankful for the trust you have placed before me. I wish to acknowledge our outgoing Grand Knight, Fred Struck, for leading over the past year, along with the other officers who continue faithfully serving for the good of the order and our council. It is a blessing to serve with so many wise brothers, especially when faced with many fraternal and charitable activities spanning the next twelve months. The first three deal with supporting our hall, St. Mary’s, and the students.

Next month, I will share our “goals” and “challenges” for the coming year. Taking the advice of a past Grand Knight, our goals will be reasonable. As for the challenges, nothing is impossible as long as we continue to serve our church, our community, those who are less fortunate, and each other.

Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953

Past Grand Knights & Old Timers Dinner

2014-2015 Council 953 OfficersOn June 26, Council 953 held its annual Past Grand Knights & Old Timers Dinner. In addition to the installation of officers for the 2014-15 Columbian Year, several council members were honored for their service during the 2013-14 Columbian Year.

John Watling was honored as Knight of the Year,

John Watling was honored as Knight of the Year, and Ricardo Saldaña and his wife Monica were honored as
Family of the Year.

Past Grand Knight Fred Struck in honor of his year of service as Grand Knight.


In addition, a Plaque of Appreciation was presented to Immediate Past Grand Knight Fred Struck in honor of his year of service as Grand Knight.



Many thanks for all who worked hard to make the Past Grand Knight’s/Old Timers Dinner a great success. As usual the food was great. I especially want to thank Dave Carboni, who was in the kitchen cooking from 12:30 pm until the dinner was served. Also thanks to Terry Corcoran, Steve Mills, Tom Nulk, George Mills, John Watling, Dale Edwards, Carlos Galindo, Garrett Thomas, Hector Garcia.

Family of the Month – June 2014

Family of the Month June 2014We are very pleased and honored to announce that the Family of Month for June is the David Carboni family. Dave with the support of his wife Bonnie, have done great jobs at all of the Council’s events. If not working at these events they always attend them. Dave and Bonnie have been married for 52 years. Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 953 wish the David Carboni family, many more happy years together!

Knight of the Month – June 2014

Terry Corcoran Knight of the Month for June 2014

Our Knight of the Month for June is Terry Corcoran. He is our hall custodian/repairman/gardener and jack of all trades. He is one of our core hall cooks and many of our events just wouldn’t happen without his help. There isn’t a council event in which he hasn’t been involved in some capacity. He is also the chairman of the annual garage sale, the proceeds of which allowed the Council to donate $500 to Clara’s House Free Clinic and $300 to the St. Mary’s Bereavement Society. Recently when work needed to be done in the council office to pass a fire inspection he had the work done without being asked.

St. John Vianney, Pray for Us.