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Many thanks to Brian McKrell for organizing last month’s council picnic. Brother Knights and their families enjoyed a delicious hot dog lunch, piñata, and baseball and soccer games.
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Grand Knight’s Message, August 2014
To My Brother Knights and Their Families:
Hot August Nights is a great way to describe the bevy of activities, past, present, and future. I want to thank Bryan McKrell for organizing the Council Picnic on July 12th, which was fun and relaxing. Coming up shortly are St. Stephen’s Pg Roast on the 3rd, the Steak Dinner on the 9th, Zippy Buns on the 17th, and Mexican Knight on September 20th. I encourage any new Brother Knights to volunteer; even one hour is helpful. As they say “many hands makes for light work.”
The officers have established the following goals/challenges for the year: 1. Membership, member involvement and sunshine. 2. Greater service hours and charitable giving. 3. Quarterly “Fun” Knights. 4. Hall Improvements.
Speaking of “The Hall,” it is here for our benefit, and there is no better way to help than making their Steak Dinner a success. I am grateful for our Hall Board, because without their dedication, raising funds to meet our charitable goals would be much more difficult.
Go! Make a difference…
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953
Grand Knight’s Message, July 2014
To My Brother Knights and Their Families:
I am thankful for the trust you have placed before me. I wish to acknowledge our outgoing Grand Knight, Fred Struck, for leading over the past year, along with the other officers who continue faithfully serving for the good of the order and our council. It is a blessing to serve with so many wise brothers, especially when faced with many fraternal and charitable activities spanning the next twelve months. The first three deal with supporting our hall, St. Mary’s, and the students.
Next month, I will share our “goals” and “challenges” for the coming year. Taking the advice of a past Grand Knight, our goals will be reasonable. As for the challenges, nothing is impossible as long as we continue to serve our church, our community, those who are less fortunate, and each other.
Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
John Sheldon
Grand Knight, Council 953
Past Grand Knights & Old Timers Dinner
On June 26, Council 953 held its annual Past Grand Knights & Old Timers Dinner. In addition to the installation of officers for the 2014-15 Columbian Year, several council members were honored for their service during the 2013-14 Columbian Year.
John Watling was honored as Knight of the Year, and Ricardo Saldaña and his wife Monica were honored as
Family of the Year.
In addition, a Plaque of Appreciation was presented to Immediate Past Grand Knight Fred Struck in honor of his year of service as Grand Knight.
Many thanks for all who worked hard to make the Past Grand Knight’s/Old Timers Dinner a great success. As usual the food was great. I especially want to thank Dave Carboni, who was in the kitchen cooking from 12:30 pm until the dinner was served. Also thanks to Terry Corcoran, Steve Mills, Tom Nulk, George Mills, John Watling, Dale Edwards, Carlos Galindo, Garrett Thomas, Hector Garcia.
Grand Knight’s Message, June 2014
To My Brother Knights and Their Families:
Elections for a new slate of officers will be held at this month’s business meeting and you will have a new Grand Knight on July 1st. The year has gone by quickly and it has truly been a blessing to be your Grand Knight. I want to thank each and every member of our council for their part in making this a successful Columbian year. Every time something needed to be done, several of our members were there to help.
I want to especially thank our chaplain Father Brendan for giving us spiritual direction and praying for us this past year. I want to thank our worthy District Deputy Don Snow for his bits of wisdom and advice. Thanks to all of the council officers, program directors, event chairmen and cooks. There are many people who did many things too numerous to name.
Supreme gave us a goal of increasing our membership by 16 this year in order to be a Star Council. We brought in 19 new members this year. About half of those new members were brought in by John Watling. It looks like we have also met our insurance quota of 6. If we do not have drops in our insurance members before the end of the month, we will have achieved Star Council thanks to all of you.
The nominating committee has a great list of nominees for the new Columbian year. I am confident that the council will be in good hands and that next year will be even more successful that this year has been.
Thank you.
Go! Make a difference…
Fred Struck
Grand Knight, Council 953
Officers Nominated by the Committee for 2014-15 Columbian Year
The committee has nominated the following slate of officers for the 2014-15 Columbian Year. The slate of officers was read at the April Business Meeting and will be voted on at the June Business Meeting:
Grand Knight – John Sheldon
Deputy Grand Knight – Lewis Muñoz
Chancellor – Bryan McKrell
Warden – Adam Struck
Recorder – Garrett Thomas
Inside Guard – John Watling
Outside Guard – Hector Garcia
Advocate – Matt Lucien
Treasurer – Dale Edwards
3 Year Trustee – Fred Struck
2 Year Trustee – Al Piccardo
1 Year Trustee – Dick Cutting
Nominations may be accepted from the floor, provided the nominee has agreed to serve if elected.